Well, I have indeed been lazy - as far as blogging is concerned. Okay, lazy in lots of other ways as well, BUT I have been spending lots and lots of time planning J's and my (is that stated correctly? Somehow I think not....) trip to the Big Apple - aka New York City. Did you know that New Orleans gave New York the nickname Big Apple? I didn't until I read it on an official NY visitor's site. So....it MUST be so! Makes me proud to be an 'almost' New Orleanian. Hey, it doesn't take much. Dem Saints (or Aints as they are 'lovingly' known around these parts) are hard to overcome.
Anywho....as far as NY is concerned, I have the room reserved (taking this on faith as it's the first time I've fooled with quickbook), have the plane tickets (actually talked to someone so I feel a tad better about this one), have tickets for two shows - The Producers and All Shook Up, have tickets for the Tenement Museum, and I think there's something else that I can't think of at the moment. The guy I talked to while booking The Producers was a hoot. Strong NY accent - he thought 'I' had a strong Southern accent. ....Go figure. Anywho....I'm not sure if I got ripped off or got helped. He told me that the site considered the best seats to be on the 2nd row, but....he said I didn't want those seats because of the chance of getting spat upon and having sweat slung on us. I said DAMN straight! So, we'll be sitting 11 rows back, center. 'He' said those seats were almost perfect. I have NO idea if that's the truth or not. I was so stunned at the prospect of having spit and sweat comin' at me that my synapsis (sp?) totally stopped connecting (or WHATever they do).
So, I've been spending h-o-u-r-s on Fodors and other sites - WAY more time than I probably need to. We'll be there later this month from Sunday-Thursday. I've worked out an itenerary and I actually posted it for comments on Fodors. I had no idea if my plan was workable or not, but the comments were quite favorable. I was pleasantly surprised. All right, I have a list of what we will 'tentatively' be doing each day, now to figure out exactly HOW to do these things. What with subways, busses, taxis and such - colors and numbers.... It doesn't take much for me to get lost, so I hope we don't spend mucho time wandering The City muttering, "Where the hell are we?!?!"
And, yes, I'm taking J with me - since he's footing the bill it only seemed fair. Actually, I've been doing better lately. ....I just haven't been thinking about what's going on in my life. Just been spending my time escaping by planning this trip. Real mature, huh? At first I thought I might use the trip as an opportunity to call it quits - make it a memorable occasion, but somehow that didn't seem fair. Next, I thought I might try and find an opening on the trip to talk about where we are and where we want to be and how we might best get there. Now I'm thinking if it happens, it happens.
Haven't heard from son #1 in a while. Son #2 has moved back home. Son #3 is getting ready to start his 3rd year of college. 'A' is doing well on her job. Traveling lots, but the lab building is up and she's busy setting it up so she may be home more. In a nutshell, we're alive and kicking. Guess it beats the alternative.