Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Monday, December 04, 2006

The Earrings

Today's the day I chose to put the earrings on. The little golden bells with the tiny diamond chip on the end of the clapper. The ones my mom gave me years before she died.

Yesterday was the day of remembrance for her that I set aside each season. Yesterday I was sad. Yesterday I allowed myself to feel how much I miss her -- all day long. I didn't scold myself or try to hide my feelings. I simply felt what I felt.

Yesterday had to happen so today -- and all the days that will follow today during this holiday season -- could happen. Yesterday had to happen so I can remember to smile, love, laugh, and celebrate with those I love for the rest of this holiday season.

Yesterday is over.

Today I put the earrings on. The little golden bells with the tiny diamond chip on the end of the clapper. The ones my mom gave me years before she died.

Today I will smile as I decorate, plan the holiday menu, and maybe even bake the first of the holiday treats for my family.

Today, and each day that follows today during this holiday season, my mom's memory will be close. Today, or any day during this holiday season, if I sense sadness attempting to sneak its way in, I'll reach and caress the earrings. The little golden bells with the tiny diamond chip on the end of the clapper, and everything will be all right.

Today, and each day that follows today this holiday season, I will smile, laugh, love and celebrate. That's what my mom would want me to do.


Blogger east village idiot said...

You are one special person/woman/daughter/mom. The last two posts made my eyes well up with tears. There certainly is a ying and yang to the holiday season - and that's all right - as you point out to us.

Your first child is in my prayers. We never know what good news tomorrow can bring.

7:27 PM

Blogger ellesu said...

Thank you, evi. I think prayers have saved him more than I know.

He called me once and said he knew I had been praying for him. ....I didn't even ask him what had happened.

2:31 PM


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