Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bless the silliness of life......

For most of last week my house was bursting at the seams. My Nawth Carolina kids (along with two friends) were home. Add to that the kid/child/young adult (you choose) who's currently living with me, and the fact that dad/hubby/bread winner/hunter gather is working (in BR) and living at home, and we were as close to being a normally functioning family as we've ever been. Their visit was the usual gloriously zany, hectic, and kooky-type visit. (Which, as usual, left me wondering why it is we can't behave sedately and orderly as the families I see in tv commercials....)

They left all too soon, and are home safely. They took the kid/child/young adult/brother who's been living back home with me. He's staying til Christmas and then we're meeting up at the Coast. I say all that to say this -- hubby and I are home alone. Actually, hubby's somewhere in TX today helping a friend pick up and haul back a boat the friend bought on eBay. Why can't men do anything alone!? But....Saturday, hubby and I were home alone and we decided to pop into the little seafood joint up the street. Here's the silliness that transpired:

As we're walking to the restaurant, we pass by a few neighbors and stop to chat for a minute or two. In each short conversation, someone mentions how tired they are, and how glad they are that we have the weekend off. We agree with them. At the restaurant, the server tells us how glad he is that we have the weekend off. We sigh, and agree. The cook/owner makes the rounds and tells everyone to eat up and rest up for next weekend. Big one coming up. We all heartily agree. We can't wait. As we leave, everyone tells each other to pull us through next Saturday, and we solemnly accept our portion of responsibility.

Yes, we are a city preparing for battle. Football battle. And to hear us talk you'd think that we actually expend some of our personal energy on the field, when in fact, our part is done at home. Here are some of the things people do -- and they swear it helps the team win:

One person watches the game upside down when the Tigers are in trouble.

One person won't move from the position he finds himself in when the Tigers begin a drive. He moves when the drive is over. Some of those drives last 7 minutes or more....

One person watches/listens to the game with his back turned when the Tiger's are doing good. ??

And then there are the ju-ju moves and the talisman.

You get the idea....

Now, me? I fully realize how foolish all this is. It's the team that plays and decides their fate. Period.

I help them by remembering that they are a bunch of kids out there in front of millions of people and don't deserve the criticism and cussing that is sometimes aimed at them.

I help them by loving and supporting them even when they stink.

And....I help them by wearing my purple panties and purple earrings. (Don't laugh. I bought those purple earrings before their national championship season. ....Some things are just too obvious to discount!)

Thank you, G-d, for life's silliness and our ability to participate in it. Even if it does wear us out.


Blogger east village idiot said...

I LOVE your football posts. It's like learning about a religion that's been going on for years that I never knew about. I talked about it to my friends at Barnard and then a Penn State devotee started chiming in - then a Ohio State....etc!

6:30 PM

Blogger ellesu said...

LOL! We start coming out of the woodwork this time of year....

9:11 AM


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