Okay. J's
still not working. Sons #2 and #3 are
still in college (with brand spanking new semesters soon to start.) Daughter has quit her job and will soon be starting a new graduate program - going for her, ummmm, I forget how many masters degrees this will be for her. I lost count after two. You'd think the above was enough to worry about, right? Nope.
When confronted with problems I usually go into action pretty quickly - doesn't matter if I should or shouldn't, or even if the actions I take will help, but....I
have to do something! So. With all these financial problems-to-be mounting, I decided I needed to really, really cut my spending. Not that I have ever had the leisure to spend wildly, but I mean really, really cut unnecessary spending. Coffee excluded. And, maybe wine.
I decided this yesterday morning as I was walking endless circles around the lake to try and make the voices in my head shut the "f" up. (The voices telling me we were going broke and I'd spend my last years on earth in a cardboard box, etc.) So. I decided to just stop spending for pleasure (coffee and wine were placed into the necessary category), and see if it helps. That settled, and the voices muffled, I stopped walking circles, went inside, sat down at the computer, and proceeded to place an order for K-cups, and for good measure, ordered a Roku. I need help....