Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Just got back from Walmart. It was a bit embarrassing - or should have been. I had two buggies full of stuff and someone had to help me roll them to the car. I think the checker could have fit it all in one buggy (I did) but the manager (I think it was) came and was helping to bag my stuff. I got there around 10:30 pm and it was still busy. Took me two hours, but I'll sleep in tomorrow. That's what I get from putting off going to the store for a couple of weeks. But I've been painting, doing some yard maintenance, spraying the house with JoMax, and we can't forget the yard sale.

I cleaned the house today. Took my time and did a pretty thorough job. I washed 3 loads of clothes Monday night and they are still piled up waiting to be folded. Tomorrow will be a week since I sprayed the Asian Jasmine in front with Roundup. It's supposed to be looking sick, according to the guy I talked to who is supposed to know. It doesn't look very sick to me. In fact, it's still trying to cover the house. We'll see what happens. I have a feeling I'll be spraying in a few more times.

I'm hesitating to write anything about J. I feel like it's stupid and makes me look stupid, but that's the reason for this blog. Not to make me look stupid, but I want to see if I can detect any pattern to my feelings. I want to see if anything comes of this.

OK. J went back to TX for the work week. He left around 6:30. Sometimes he leaves around 4:30, and other times around 8. It depends on when he wake up. He has a pretty good set up at the moment. He can work from Monday through Thursday and come home Thrusday nights. He puts in long work days to do this. This is the first time in more than 10 years that he's been able to spend regular time at home. And it's the first time for me, too. If J works a contract too far away, I usually go with him. We have a 5th wheel that we pull. When he took this TX job it gave me a chance to stay home and do some much needed work on this house. While we were away during the years, one or two of our kids would sometimes stay home, and other times the house sat empty. Neither situation helps in keeping up with a house.

I eased into my 'J's away' mode, and so did son #3 - he's home from school. It's so different during the week when J's away than on the weekends when he's home. No regular meals to fix, no picking up after another person, etc. When he comes home it's hard for both of us to adjust. Many people wonder if I get lonely. I don't because there is usually always one of the kids here, usually with a friend or two in tow.

So, today I have been so busy with our family stuff that J and his problems didn't come to mind. Except when he called and talked about which bank to put the money from the house in Baton Rouge we sold. Wouldn't you think that the money would go to your local bank? Nope. It went to the account his mom had in AL. J swore that account paid more interest and wanted it there until he decided what to do with it. I told him to check our local bank because rate couldn't be that different. He wouldn't. I could tell he was listening but didn't hear me. He's good at that. Once he's decided something is one way, he's not going to change how he feels. I think he feels threatend or insecure when he realizes he didn't have something or someone figured out correctly. Instead of saying, "Wow. I misjudged that/him/her." He'll make excuses and say if such and such hadn't happened things would have been as he had them figured.

Umm.... It's late and I'm not making much sense. And I wish I had a dollar for every time I've used the word 'stuff' in this post. And those white Walmart bags are just sitting on the kitchen floor. I did put away the frozen and refrigerator items, but the rest is going to sleep on the kitchen floor.


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