Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Not a fit night for man or beast......

Being on the 12th floor with a front blowing through is interesting (and noisy) -- to say the least. Saturday was an on again, off again day at the beach. Sun, clouds, rain, clouds, rain, sun.... J. and I managed to walk the beach and get caught in a downpour (first time that's happened in a long time), laze in the hot tub and sauna, then walk along the road -- stopping to look at all the beach front houses for sale. Nothing like looking at beach front property to make you realize how pitifully poor you are compared to some people. Oh, well.

Saturday night we popped the latest Netflix -- The Bourne Ultimatum -- in the DVD. Not a stellar movie IMHO. During one of the pauses (for me to go to the bathroom), J. asked if I'd heard the loud noise. I hadn't. But....I soon heard what he was talking about. It sounded like a jet engine backing off the power.

We soon realized what it really was -- wind. Yes, ma'am. The wind was whipping around the back corner of the unit and wanted everyone to know it had arrived. It was that way on and off all night and most of Sunday morning. At one point I was convinced if I went outside it might try to blow me off. I went outside. It (obviously) didn't....


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