Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Saturday, April 26, 2008

There's something about a man wearing a shirt with this logo......

that causes some people to go off on him. At least that's what a friend of mine told me. Her husband works at Exxon. He told her he now changes shirts (after work) before going in most places. Here's why. On a recent trip to Wal*Mart (after work -- still sporting his Exxon uniform -- before the I've got to stop wearing this uniform thing) no less than two women scolded him for high gas prices.

Okay. He's not personally responsible for our high gas prices and I'm sure those ladies realize that. At least I hope so. I in Exxon country, as we do, you can't help hearing how keeping the refineries up and running actually help keep prices down. Remember the aftermath of Katrina and Rita? And according to Exxon paid $27.9 billion in taxes (41.4% tax rate). I can't vouch for that tax number but does that really have anything to do with the price of a gallon of gas. Probably so, but....

Everyone has their own ways to deal with learning to accept these high gas prices. Down this way we sometimes point at Exxon with the attitude of -- we welcomed your high paying jobs with open arms allowed you to rape and pillage our land and we get no respect (aka price break)? Okay. We know that one's ridiculous but we still try. And we also join in when the question's asked -- our country's in Iraq for what? Certainly not lower gas prices.

I know those are juvenile reactions but....frustration doesn't often bring out the best in people. I do feel sorry for those wearing the Exxon logo these days tho.

Update: My daughter is fast learning the ways of corporate America. After the lab she works in lost a worker (he quit), and while her coworker was preparing to leave for vacation (leaving only A. and her boss), the office brass set a deadline for a formula apparently no one but them (the office brass) knew was needed. Yes indeedy. After sitting on the project for who knows how long, causing the company waiting for results to demand results, A. was told to come up with a formula in two weeks. Nothing ever changes does it?

Well, being the overly responsible person she is, she has a workable formula for them. Now the company contracting her lab is going to take it and figure out how to tweak it so they can save money. So if you have outdoors furniture (and other stuff also I think) you want to keep rust free(er) -- help is on the way. And A. will have played a part in this. ....I don't understand a thing she does, but I'm proud of her anyway. Pay back for me buying those chemistry sets through the years (per her request) instead of Barbie paraphernalia.

To add to the mundane-ness of this post....J. played with his band last weekend. I just heard the almost hour-long CD someone recorded. Sad how pumped up a group of grow-up (supposedly) professional men can get when they hear people screaming in the audience. Hasn't he been there done that?


Blogger Dr. Deb said...

It's true, he isn't responsible.

But sometimes people project their frustration on the closest object.

10:37 AM


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