Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Since I don't have a green thumb I'm not sure what kind of flowers those are in the picture but they must be pretty hardy because they've been gloriously blooming in my yard yearly for a good long while. J.'s grandmom (who had a very green thumb) sent some blulbs home with us one year which we plopped in the ground in the easiest spot we could find. Beginner's luck I guess because they seem to like it there. I've been told they need to be thinned out. Ummmm.... Maybe so because this year I noticed a couple on the other side of the fence.

That's the problem with growing stuff down this way. If something likes it here -- watch out! It could overtake you. Like the Asian Jasmine sprouts I planted in my front flower beds -- which became knee-high and tried to crawl inside my windows. I had to search high and low to find someone willing to tackle that problem. It took multiple men and machines to dig it up.

Over the years when people have given us plants from their yards we've just kind of put them in the ground without much forethought (because we don't know what thoughts need thinking). Some of those plants survived in spite of us. Now when we walk around the yard and see those plants they bring back many memories. So cool.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, it's amazing that even if you claim you don't have a green thumb, you still manage to actually grow your flowers and plants, I'm quite the opposite.

Silverdale florist

5:11 PM


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