Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Oh, my!

Today I spent some time with a friend who is in the process of recreating her life -- her words. She has almost finished shedding her wandering hubby and she's ready for a new life -- her words. But for all her attempts her life seems to be telling her to slow down. Take it easy for a while. She's not listening too well.

The results of her latest effort sums it up. She thinks she wants to sell her house so she's looking at condos. While looking, she can't stand living in her home with so many memories but she can't seem to focus enough to know how she wants to change things around her. She just wants things changed -- now. So she hires a decorator and tells him to shake things up, make things entirely different. The results? Well, just imagine what might happen if you tell a creative hairdresser to just do anything you want -- i'm ready for a complete change.

Suffice it to say she's not happy. She blames it on the decorator's style. Which is a tad bizarre. (I have a feeling potential buyers looking at her house aren't going to get it. Not the usual stuff you see in a house situated in a regular subdivision.) But it is different. And that's what she asked for. (note to self -- be careful what you ask for)

So she's sad. She says her surroundings make her sad. Isn't that the same thing she said before making the changes? Where's the a-ha moment here? I think she's running away from herself too fast to allow her true feelings to catch up with her. I wish I could do more.


Blogger east village idiot said...

Is this the lady who put her wedding ring in her cheating husband's iced tea?

I don't think I'll ever forget that post. It was a chapter from a novel in all the power of that moment.

You are a wise person. She'll let the grief and rage catch up to her - when she's ready for it. In the meantime, keep her away from the plastic surgeons, hair salons and dianetics.

6:30 AM


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