Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Friday, September 30, 2005

We need us a Yankee down here......

That's the comment I heard this morning during a discussion about who was going to oversee all that money that's coming our way to rebuild and do all the other things that need to be done. I, like many others, have nightmares about that money. The names of its suggested 'overseeers' that I've heard tossed around don't cut the mustard..if you know what I mean. If the wrong people get their greedy, grimy hands on any of that money it will be a travesty.

So, back to that discussion about who should oversee the money--no one could think of a single person deemed trustworthy. That's when someone made a comment not often heard in these parts--we need us a Yankee down here. ....Any suggestions?

Louisiana death count: 929 dead as of tonight


Blogger east village idiot said...

Trust me - there are crooks up here too in politics and on Wall Street.What you need is a master administrator and leader Maybe a Bill
Clinton or Al Gore type. Politics aside they are both very bright and good at implementing programs. And they aren't yankees.

5:49 PM

Blogger Dr. Deb said...

That number took my breath away, and that is just LA.

The whole system needs a major overhaul. We need a smart business person, not a polical person who has interest groups to please. I heard Donald Trump talk about how he'd fix things, and y'know, I liked what he said!!


7:30 AM

Blogger ellesu said...

evi..Clinton has been here several times. He was at a shelter here earlier this week. I like what he says and he seems to be legitimately involved.'re right. He's certainly not a yankee.

deb..This is such a wonderful chance to rework things and make them better, but I just dunno. I'll have to look for Trump's comments.

As of yesterday they aren't officially looking for anymore bodies. The coroner in charge of identification said tonight that they know some bodies were lost in the river, marsh, gulf and will never be found. However, today 11 more bodies were found in New Orleans. The city has pretty much been opened back up this week and people going home are finding bodies in their homes. Can you imagine?

11:40 PM


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