Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Bitches of Summer '05......

Katrina has a rival in the gulf battling for the title of 'top bitch--summer 2005.' I so hope Katrina keeps her title, and Rita becomes nothing more than a 'wanna be.' Which once again makes me wonder why we in hurricane country speak of storms almost as if they were/are family members. Like when we say....Andrew's comin'. And then when someone says, "When Georges came through here.....," there's no doubt 'what' (not who) they are talking about.

And speaking of Geroges--what was with that name choice? The only people I heard who could pronounce his name correctly were on the Weather Channel. You should have heard how that name (which I'm sure sounds lovely in French) was butchered.

BTW, hurricanes that are unusually deadly or costly have their names retired. No need to worry about an unwanted visit from Katrina again.

So, prayers, good thoughts, positive energy....all those have been and are being sent to the TX coast.


Blogger Dr. Deb said...

"And speaking of Geroges--what was with that name choice".

How *do* you pronounce it?

Hoping and praying for all on the gulf coast AGAIN.


5:51 PM


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