Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I once heard that a man needs (I forgot how many, but more than 2) wives in his life according to the stage of life he's in. That's making sense to me. ....I think it could hold true for women, too. To me that statement implies that when a man or woman won't grow or mature into the next stage of his or her life, they need to find someone who is in the same place as them. Okay, I know that didn't make much sense but I'm too tired to rewrite that sentence. :/

We (J andI) head to Bama Friday. I guess we'll stay until at least Sunday, maybe Monday. Sigh! Sigh! SIGH!! J's got to finish repainting the outside of the house, and I don't know WHAT I'll do. Nobody else wants to go with us and I really don't blame them. We've been working on that damn house for almost five years for God's sake!

Oh, well. Oh, hell.

I worked on that stupid little round metal table again today. Yesterday I used Nava Jelly, and it did a good job. Today I tried to strip the paint. The paint stripper did a so-so job. I probably could have used a second can of stripper, but.... I've got the thing primed and ready to paint purple tomorrow. School colors, don't cha know? It's not going to look perfect, but if I kept working on it I'd end up spending more than it would cost to buy a new one.

The boys went to see "War of the Worlds" today and they reallly liked it. 'A' called and said her job was going well. She's been very busy, but she seems to be settling in. I read that we're going to be adding some new teaching positions here, so I'm thinking I may ask around about them. Who know's.


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