Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Lazy day today. I washed 3 or 4 loads of clothes this morning before it got too hot. I made my WWs shopping list. I changed the sheets on my bed. Went to Walmart tonight -- which took f-o-r-e-v-e-r . I don't know what's happened to this Walmart, but it's not a good thing. Very few cashiers, long lines. Whaz up with that? I can tell you one thing, when the Target opens up right down the road, that's where I'll be doing most of my shopping. 'My' Walmart is becoming as bad as the KMart that closed. ....That's where the new Target is opening.

What a boring person I've become!! Can't I think of anything else to write about besides the mundane details of my daily life and bitchin' about J?

Oh....that's why I started doing this. So I could see if there was any rhyme or reason to my feelings.

Here's today's grip. J told a neighborhood kid that he could use our backyard to put his boat in the lake. We don't know this kid. He seems nice enough, but.... It's just the idea of never knowing when he's going to show up or who he's going to have with him. He leaves the gate open, and his boat and trailer and coolers and other stuff are on one side of the yard.

I hate to sound like a total bitch, but....I don't know what J was thinking when he made this deal. He didn't tell me. I just started out the back door one moring -- in my pjs -- to water the flowers, and there was this kid and two others. Now I don't feel relaxed in my own yard. No one can park in the part of the driveway that goes into the back yard because it'll block the kid moving his boat.

I don't think the kid's parents would ok J to go in and out of their yard as he pleased. He is an idiot! We've had two serial killers (both in jail), and the police say they think there is another one out there. In the last two weeks, we've had three kids (caught now) doing home invasions and raping women. I just don't like not knowing who's going to be in the back yard, especially since J works out of state all week.

J has no feel about boundaries. This is the same type thing he did with his grandparens and mom. He told them 'his' house was their house and they could come and go as they pleased. .....And they did. They didn't reciprocate. They wanted to know when we were coming and for how long -- which is normal.

Sigh! It's not going to be a good weekend, I can tell....

I'm tired of wasting time living with such negative feelings. I've told J that. I've told him that it's not fair to either of us, that we could both be happier. But, he won't leave. And I'm too lazy to do anything about it. We're unhappy far more than we're happy, and that's a shame.

Oh, well. I'm going to cook a vegetable meal tomorrow. All the recipes come from Fannie Flagg's new book, "A Redbird Christmas." I was thinking about doing a drunken chicken, but I'm not sure I want to go to the trouble. I have WWs recipes ready for the rest of the weekend. I hope I don't get lazy and we just order out.


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