Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Friday, October 28, 2005

Boutique city......

A boutique city is the term being tossed about the most when talking about the *new* New Orleans. How odd to think about New Orleans as 'trendy'. How boring.

A couple of remarks that keep replaying in my mind:

The big oil companies have ravished our coasts for years.

We've destroyed the system that created the land by leeveeing the river.


And, you know, I don't think courts in New Orleans have been up and running yet. Are people just sitting there waiting for their trials?

I know events have a shelf life, but.. 1062 Louisiana deaths related to Katrina as of this week.


Blogger Dr. Deb said...

1062...I am stunned to learn this information. Nowhere in my newspaper are these figures to be found.


5:50 PM

Blogger east village idiot said...

I agree with dr. s
The news is starting to fade pretty fast up here about all your many problems that still exist. thank you for giving us that number. I know I appreciate you sharing the news. by the way, my uncle is a priest in Birmingham. I think there are about 4 catholics down there.

8:35 PM

Blogger ellesu said...

Hi deb....The number of dead is mentioned on local news quickly and quietly about once a week. This week they mentioned that the deaths from Katrina would be 'cut off' -- no more Katrina-related deaths. The official count will never be know because of the bodies that went into the river, gulf and bush. And....the deaths that occurred 'elsewhere' (in other states or parts of our state)are difficult to keep up with.

Now much of the talk is about rebuilding. Who is going to come back and rebuild their homes? If you rebuild and your neighbors don't....

Fasinating to *watch*, but so very sad at the same time. Those decisions are heart-wrenching for native New Orleanians. That's where their history is.

Hi evi....People in Baton Rouge are tiring of thinking and talking about it, too. It takes so much energy and (in the end) there is so little we can do.

I hear New Orleanians almost desperate to be heard. And those in MS.... Don't even get me started! There were whole zip/area codes wiped out. I know, I know, I know, that NOLA is impt to the US economy and that's why the attention/money is going there. Individuals are trying to take up the slack in MS and southwest LA -- and there's a hell of a lot of slack to be taken up,'s not the rest of the country's problem. It's still heartbreaking.

Now....on to B'ham.. (see how odd things are here. one minute we're talking about someone we know losing their home and then in the next breath it's on to the new Target that opened down the road..)

I couldn't help laughing about the "4 Catholics" comment. Being from B'ham originally, of course, I was raised Southern Baptist from cradle roll until....I went to college. ;)

Imagine my surprise upon finding out that my dad was, briefly, once a Catholic. I was so impressed with him; wondered what caused him to make that courageous decision. Turns out it was because, in his day and time, his Catholic schoolmates left school on Fridays for half-day religious classes at their churches and he just wanted a change of scenery, I guess. So typical of my dad. Had to love the guy anyway....

11:54 AM


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