Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Oh, when the Saints....

oh, when the Saints, oh, when the Saints go marching OUT! Lord how I want to be in that number when the Saints go marching OUT!

That's how we in Baton Rouge generally sing that little ditty. After *most* Saints games it's entertaining to listen to the local sports where (with Saints *highlights* being shown in the background) you're likely to hear shouted at the camera such things as -- WHAT A BUNCH OF LOSERS! ABYSMAL! PITIFUL! WHAT A BUNCH OF BUMS! ....Once a sports caster went so far as to demand money be returned to all who had paid to see such a sorry game.

OK, so we aren't very friendly to the NOLA Saints. ....But ya gotta admit, they are such losers that nobody seems to luv em except those in New Orleans. Most of the rest of us have lost patience with them. We tried to give them to Mississippi, but -- no deal. So why are we in LA so upset that they might not (most likely will not) be playing in the Dome again? After some soul-searching, I realized that, for me at least, it's not the Saints that I'm fed up's Tom Benson, the owner. What a loser! What a bum! He wants to move the team to San Antonio?? Fine! Get the fuck out of the state and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out! Best of luck!

So, here's to our love/hate relationship with the boys who wear the fleur-de-lis -- otherwise known as da Ain'ts Saints: Cha-ching! Bless you boys!

And, last but not least, "Vaya con Dios, Santos."


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