Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Another new home......

They're closing on their new house today -- my daughter, son #3, and two of the other three who are in on the deal. (Actually, T. -- the smart, accomplished, lovely young lady who's had a job the longest is owner of record. But....somehow, someway the rest are all in the deal financially. ....Don't ask me!)

They decided against the house next to the cemetery. [smile] And they were extremely careful about buying this house. They had two inspectors and one structural engineer sign off on the property. ....Carrying two house payments for two months (because the MS house was built in a bowl and had standing water problems that made selling it seem to take f-o-r-e-v-e-r) made them extra cautious this time around.

Their realtor says they got a great deal. (Maybe all realtors say that?) And their realtor says, that after working with them, she told her own daughter she should add another roommate (or two) and invest in a larger house.

Now, I guess I'll have to make my way to North Carolina in a couple of weeks and see things for myself. I'm trying to wait until the actual moving and unpacking and picture hanging and hard work fun stuff like that is fini.

And....A. felt her interview with the FBI went well. And....she got a call yesterday to set up an interview with the Department of Prisions (something to do with fingerprinting). She promises me she was careful to make sure she wouldn't be taking the fingerprints -- she would be double checking/verifying results....or something like that. Still, why am I not jumping for joy.


Blogger east village idiot said...

It's hard for any mother to jump for joy when their beloved daughter goes to interview at Department of Prisons.

7:27 PM

Blogger Dr. Deb said...

A house next to the cemetary would've gotten a thumbs down vote from me too.

I hope she's out of harm's way too.

4:46 PM


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