Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Friday, May 11, 2007

Be careful out there......

J. and I got back from Wal*Mart a couple of hours ago. While we were there, I went inside to pick up my medicine and a couple other things while J. bought some pine straw for the front flower beds. As I walked out the doors and started to cross the street I spotted J. walking toward me -- looking as if he'd been running. I figured he'd been loading the pine straw.

It turned out that he'd just witnessed a lady having her purse snatched. The purse snatcher was driving along the parking aisles in a pickup truck when he reached out the driver's window, grabbed the purse of a woman walking to her car, knocking her down and dragging her 10-15 feet before she let go of her purse. J. started chasing the truck ?? while another man jumped into his truck and gave chase.

By the time J. and I walked past the lady there were about eight other shoppers gathered round her helping pick up the spilled groceries. The poor lady was shaking so hard she could barely stand. She had numerous cuts and scratches and said he was "murderous" in the way he wouldn't slow down while dragging her. J. told the Wal*Mart staff anything he had noticed and I suggested that the lady have the police check out her home because the thief had her personal info. That's all we could do.

Moral of the careful and be aware. A few months ago I noticed that my area of the city had changed. Instead of carrying my life around in my purse everywhere I went, I fixed up a grab and go bag to take with me while I was out and about. But -- just this week I started carrying my big ol heavy purse around again. (I needed papers and cards and stuff at the doctor's.) No more. I'm back to the bare necessities.

Take care, everyone.


Blogger east village idiot said...

million dollar advice! I've got to switch to a grab and go. k

3:00 PM

Blogger Rice said...

J is a great guy. That entire scene must have been really upsetting. THANK YOU for reminding me to be careful.Rushing around all of the time sometimes makes me oblivious to my surroundings.

5:23 AM


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