Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Illicit Affair......

I won't deny it. I knew what I was doing. I knew what might happen. I knew it as I chose what I would be wearing. I knew whose attention I would catch and what it might lead to. Knew it, but it didn't matter. I had been good for so long. One little slip-up couldn't hurt -- could it?

I had learned how to modify my past feelings and behaviors. I had done a good job. Not many around me suspected my past. But on a day like today the old urge was too strong. I remembered how good it felt to share these feelings with someone. In real life. Not over the phone, or with emails. But actually being there. Where you could see the excitememt, the smiles. Hear the voice filled with such emotion it quivered, the soft, throaty chuckles. Share the release.

So, off I went. No planning, no premeditation. Just open to whatever little dalliance might present itself. And it didn't take long. Within a few minutes of walking in I noticed his glance. The one that lingered a little too long. The one that held the unspoken question. I boldly returned that glance. I was ready.

We inched nearer each other, careful of who was around us. Nonchalant in case either of us was misreading the situation. He spoke first. It came out more like a question than a statement. My reply was definitely a statement. That was all it took. What we were both hoping would happen, happened. After the deed was done we were giddy in the shared release. Not the least bit guilty. Then we parted. No exchange of phone numbers, email addresses. Nothing to link us. It was better that way.

Yep. That's how we two closet BAMA fans shared ROLL TIDES! yesterday. Shared our elation over having the #1 recruiting class in the nation, when we met in the produce section of a Target store right smack dab in the middle of alien territory (LSU territory).

It felt good, but I could tell righ away he wasn't my type. He didn't have the courage to wear any BAMA paraphernalia. It was my BAMA shirt that caught his attention. The one I had so purposefully chosen before I left home.


Blogger east village idiot said...

I love reading about your football devotion. I can see it's a religious experience for you!

6:54 AM


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