Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


HAPPY (stormy, steamy) MARDI GRAS!

Even though the weather's not exactly cooperating, it's hard to be dreary when you hear that wonderful Mardi Gras music being played everywhere you go. Turn on your radio -- it's there. Tune in tv -- it's there. Go into Target -- it's there. ....You get the point. With Mardi Gras following so closely after the Tigers winning THE NCAA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! we've hardly had a chance to catch our collective breath down this way. But....I guess tomorrow will help with that as many around me begin a time of reflection.

Ash Wednesday. I'm not Catholic but since moving here, from time to time, during the Lenten season, I've celebrated Lent in my own way. It may not be Kosher, but I like the idea of an extended time to reflect on some aspect of myself I want to improve or change. I'll be thinking about that today and deciding if I'm going to commit to the challenge tomorrow.

And....I am so looking forward to all the scrumptious seafood offerings at most restaurants. So, on this warm, humid day, I offer up this suggestion to one and all: before the day's over, smile a little smile, hum a little tune, and do a little jig.




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