Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Day One....

Well, bright and early this morning they started working on my house. The contractor just....sort of....showed up. Actually he told J yesterday that he hoped to get started today. He also told J that he'd call and confirm if he could for sure start. Last night J told me not to expect M-the-contractor because he hadn't called. I knew better. I was up and dressed when M-the-contractor rang the doorbell before 8 this morning. :) J was totally surprised when I called and told him. Silly man. When will he acknowledge my experience and expertise in knowing how repairmen operate?

So, things are finally moving along. They have most of the walls down and have started framing. It really looks different. I think it's going to be nice when it's finally finished. I can stand at my kitchen sink and see the backyard and the lake now. Yep. I think it's going to be nice. When they finish. However long that will take.

My kids in North Carolina sent J and me BAMA football jerseys. I got crimson and J got white. I love them -- the kids and the jerseys. My NC kids bought LSU jerseys for themselves so on football Saturdays we'll have it covered. Purple and gold in NC and crimson and white in Louisiana. I know the kids miss home. I wish job opportunities were better here. When A moved to Raleigh she told me she hopes to get some experience so she can move back here and get a good job. There just aren't that many solid starter jobs here. I miss them not being closer to home.


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