Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Louisiana Legislature is STILL in Town......

Yes, my lovelies, our esteemed law-makes have once again congregated to further improve this highly-regarded state, and, once again, they are busy bastards as bees. Now that most of our problems have been fixed: our roads are in good condition, our teachers are well-paid, our health care issues have been addressed so that emergency rooms won't need to remove beds in order to remain open, New Orleans is up and running, we have a sound hurricane protection plan in effect, and -- lest we forget -- cock fighting is still alive and well in the state. Thank the good lord for THAT!

Yes, my dears, now that this state is running like a smoothly-oiled machine, it's time to tackle the really important issues....such as which version or the Ten Commandments to display: the Protestant version, the Catholic version, or the Jewish version. Rumor is that those morally upright men and women in the legislature are attempting to come up with a blended version, so to speak.

So, in the name of clarity and simplicity, we will now have four versions of the Ten Commandments. The Protestan version, the Catholic version, the Jewish version, and..dada de dum..the Louisiana version. ....Can't wait to see that one!

I think my neighbor, Lester, is on the right track when he says 'while they're all in one place and easy to get to, lock the whole bunch of 'em up and throw away the key.'


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