Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Friday, June 16, 2006

October in New York City....or....Why do I keep answering the phone?

Last Tuesday: Life is good. One of my planned 'me days' -- when I forget about all the to-do's that need to be done and indulge myself. Delicious!

A leisurely pot of strong coffee. A long-overdue talk with a good friend. A plate of angel hair pasta marinara and a glass of good red wine. A perfect day to enjoy some tentative planning for that trip to NYC I so want to take in October -- I have a hotel reservation (which is cancelable).

In the midst of the planning, the phone rings.

Brring! Brring! ....Hello.

Hi, Mom! (It's son #3.) What cha doing?

Hi, J. I'm not doing much of anything. Just the usual.

Well Mom, guess what I did today? (!)


I changed my major.


Mom! Aren't you even going to ask me what I'm majoring in now?

Do I need to sit down?


OK.... Just kidding. Tell me.

I'm majoring in Anthropology.

Ummmm.... That's nice. How many hours will you lose?

Mom! (We continued to talk for an hour or so and he really has researched this and thought it out. So....we'll see.}

Now. Clear mind and get back to trip planning. (After popping a can of beer) :/

Brring! Brring! ....Hello.

Hi, Mom! (My daughter, A.) What cha doing and who have you been talking to?

Hi, A. I'm not doing much of anything. Just the usual. I've been talking to your brother.

Well Mom, guess what I did today? (!)


I went up to school and talked to Dr. T and guess what?

Do I need to sit down?


OK.... Just kidding. Tell me.

I'm readmitted! He said I could take comps this fall and I'll have my ABD.


Mom! That's it? Oh?

No, of course not. I'm very glad for you baby. But....what about the new house, the new car, the JOB!!!!????

(We continue to talk for an hour or so and she does have a plan -- of sorts.)

Now. Clear mind and get back to trip planning. (After popping [another] can of beer) :/

Brring! Brring! ....Hello.

Hi, Mom! (It's A ..again) What cha doing? J's here with me.

Hi. I guess you two are sharing your news with each other?

Not exactly. We called to talk about something else. (!) Guess what?

Do I need to sit down?


OK. What?

We're going to London this Christmas.

Mom. Mom? Mom!

I'm here.


Well what?

Well what do you think?'s what I think. How in the hell do you two think you're going to have money for London? You're both going to be in school!

Well that's what we called to talk to you about. We just want money for Christmas. And....J's (son #2) going too. And....he's talking to school about going back.


Mom. I know what that means.

OK. Let's talk later. OK? (Pop!)

Now. Clear mind and wonder whether to put trip plans (mine) in shredder.

Brring! Brring! Brring! Brring! Brring! Brring! (....Pop!)


Blogger Dr. Deb said...

Oh How funny that you wrote a post on this and the ringxiety in my post. Hope you and yours have a good Father's Day.

7:33 AM

Blogger ellesu said...

LOL! I didn't even think about that.

8:22 AM


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