Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Saturday, February 09, 2008

So many books, so little time......

I can't remember where I read/saw that saying, but it works for me. I've always loved reading. (Except for that extended period of time after college graduation when I never wanted to see a book again. Ever! Never again in this life. ....That's one of the dangers of getting a degree in literature. Even tho my degree was in English Education -- at LSU that meant basically a lit degree.) much as I've always loved reading, lately I've found myself going through spells when I just can not sit down and read three pages straight. I let books stack up, just sitting there waiting for me. Then. WHAM! One day I start reading and everything else falls by the wayside. That's how it's been lately.

I've recently read "Middlesex" (really liked it), "The Friday Night Knitting Club" (liked it), and last night I finished "Little Children" (didn't especially care for it). In fact, a couple of times I almost closed the book without finishing it. I'm bad to do that. If I can't get into a book I don't waste my time. I do try and follow the age-old advice of giving it a chance by reading at least 50 pages.

I'm not sure what I'll read next. I've been on a mind-candy binge as you can see from my recent selections. I have ordered Oprah's recommended "A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" -- I've even signed up for her online classes. (We'll see how that goes.) So I guess I should wait on that to get here and not buy anything else to ensnarl me and my time. But Amazon says they won't be shipping the Oprah book until sometime next week. Maybe I'll finish "The Amber Spyglass." Such important decisions!

BTW.... Does my rating system remind you of anything -- like....Netflix?


Blogger east village idiot said...

Middlesex really blew my mind. I remember how difficult it was for me to read the book. Not because it wasn't good, but because it was.

p.s. as you can see by the time I put my son to sleep at 9 and fell asleep myself. Now I get to be wide awake at 4.30 am!

1:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't you bloggers have images without stealing bandwidth from other websites?


7:40 PM


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