Oh Happy Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all moms of all kinds wherever you may be. It's one of the highest honors I can think of to have someone who thinks of you as mom. It's something that can never be taken away -- even tho at times you may have just the slightest inclination to run away from the honor and all that goes with it. It takes guts to be a mom. So today, if you're worrying about a piece of your heart that's out there somewhere and you can't protect him or her, just -- for a moment -- let go and trust that it will be all right. Give your helplessness to the power of the universe and determine that forces greater than those you possess will work for you and yours. And if things are lining up and running smoothly for you and your children, do an extra little happy dance for those of us trying to find our way.
Each of my four children are blessings in their own way. It still sometimes amazes me how they can be so unique -- I wonder how many gene combinations there are? So today I'm going to celebrate each of my kids and remember how special they are. And today my heart will be singing a little louder because I got a card from son #1! Yes, ma'am I did. When I found the envelope in the mailbox Friday I thought at first he'd sent me the picture I asked him to (I'm putting together a collage for J's Father's Day). Then I remembered what Sunday was. Then I couldn't believe what was probably in the envelope. I just held the unopened envelope for the longest time. It was enough. I finally opened the envelope and found the beautiful card. I smile and touch it everytime I pass it by. The last card (along with a plant) I received from son #1 was several years ago. So, today my heart is full.
Last summer at Teachers (there is no apostrophe and I never did find out why) College I had an interesting conversation with some of the Jordanian ladies. Even though they were in their 30's they still lived at home -- and had no desire to move out until they married. They asked me about my daughter and were surprised that she was living on her own. They asked if I worried about her. When I said I did they asked why I didn't keep her home. Yeah! Like that could be done. They asked about my sons living away from home and who took care of them -- washed their clothes and cooked for them etc. That was much easier for me to answer. :) The conversation ended with some understanding on each side but still lots of wondering how in the world people can live so differently.
Anywho....again, Happy Mother's Day and....hang in there.
Have a great Mother's Day! A super duper Mother's Day! You deserve it.
9:51 AM
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