Let it sneaux, let it sneaux, let it sneaux!
This is what I woke up to today! So pretty! It came quickly and by noon it was slowly melting away but it was fun while it lasted. We were actually having thunder snow this morning and, because down this way we name storms, people were calling this snow storm things like snow-stav (in honor of Hurricane Gustav), and Jack (for the obvious -- Jack Frost, and because the letter J would have been the next named storm to have hit us after Gustav and Ike. Silly I know, and we stopped pretty quickly after someone called the radio station to remind people that named storms carry a hefty deduction on your homeowners insurance. Yep. We stopped that foolishness pretty darn quickly. And....once power started going out around town we started giving that white stuff different looks.
There was this one thing I heard on the radio that still seems funny to me. Many people on their way in to work this morning were stranded in their cars when the interstates had to be closed. That wasn't funny, it was how some of the people who were stranded took it in stride. They called in to the radio station asking when the helicopters would be coming to pick them up. Maybe you have to live here to really appreciate hurricane humor, but.... that was kind of funny.
Things are pretty much back to normal except that it's still cold, but, not to worry, it'll be back in the 70's in a couple of days. Oh, well. There's a steaming pot of soup and a pan of crusty cornbread sitting on my stove so life's not bad right now. And....check out the view from the newly finished room (pay no attention to the Rubbermaid crates -- we're still moving in....)
What a great view from your windows. Sounds like you know how to enjoy a snowy day.t
6:01 PM
What a BEAUTIFUL view from your window. Glad that life is back to normal.
8:20 PM
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