A gift of a day!
That's what yesterday was -- a gift. No workers were scheduled to show up (well, the electricians could have dropped by but I just didn't think about that -- too much). So, with the house to myself I found myself acting and feeling almost normal. I drank my coffee before showering. (Little things like that matter to me.) Then, while showering, the thought that the doorbell might ring didn't really bother me -- at least not too much. After showering I dressed somewhat leisurly (not worring that someone was going to be on the other side of the window -- the window that still hasn't been taken out and replaced with a new one.) It felt so good to carry out my normal routine.
Then....after changing the sheets and washing a few loads of clothes, I sat in my family room and watched the episodes of Criminal Minds and The Unit that were waiting on the DVR. That felt so relaxing that I even rewatched The Jane Austen Book Club. (Also on DVR) For the last many weeks the family room has been off limits for me during the day because all that separates the family room from the rooms being rebuilt is a thin sheet of plastic covering the opening between the rooms (now that the plywood is down). It's just not comfortable for me to sit and try and read or watch tv (or even cook) when workers are a few feet away, so when I'm home during the day, I usually
So, yesterday was the first day in weeks that I've been able to use my house somewhat normally again and it felt so good! There's also more room to walk around because some of the boxes that were storing stuff waiting to be used -- have been emptied and used. Ah! So nice.
But, that was yesterday. Today's another day and once again there are trucks delivering wood and stuff, and men hammering and sawing inside and outside the house. I'm back in that back bedroom. J's work sent him on an interview at an area plant because there's no work in the office and they are trying to place people instead of laying them off. The neighbor's hammering and sawing and nailing away just outside the room I'm in as he replaces the fence that the trees took down with them when they fell. Construction's going on at two other houses that trees fell on. Roofs still being replaced down the street. You would think this was a new subdivision being built if you didn't know any better. Yes, today's another day. But, thank the good lord for days like yesterday.
Oh! The cement guy came Tuesday and restained the lighter half of the cement. Looking good. After M-the-contractor and his crew finish trimming out, cement-guy will come back and seal the floor and use a tint of some kind (if needed). And....then....I think, I think, I think, we're finished. Well, the electrician still has to come and put the breaker in the fuse box, but....we're getting close.
Glad you had a one day reprieve. Soon you'll have your house back and you'll be on vacation every day! Sort of.
4:36 PM
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