Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Thursday, February 05, 2009

UFOs, Indigo Children, Katrina, Meth Labs, House Cleaning....

From that title can you tell how scattered my mind's been? J's been out of town this week and I've had a chance to catch up with some friends I don't see or talk with often enough -- which leads to the question of the day, "Do you believe in UFOs?" If so, why? If not, why?

I have a couple of friends who believe -- strongly believe. One friend claims to have had experiences. Now, these people are (as far as I can tell) normally functioning human beings, so I don't know what to say when we are in discussions about things like UFOs. I have no frame of reference to relate to them (thank the good lord!), but to say I didn't believe what they were saying would be to call them liars. And....there are so many commonalities in people's UFO stories and encounters from around the world that I'm open to the possibility that something just might be up (or out there). I know there are lots and lots of theories explaining these encounters but, even so, I haven't heard one theory that fits all. Are we alone? (Now, see. Doesn't that question sound ridiculous? That's why I hope I'm never visited and faced with having to tell people about it.) I think Marianne Williamson said that when we label something New Age we take away its power.

And. Just so you'll have little doubt that I'm weird, have you heard of Indigo children? I think two of my children are Indigo children (the oldest and the youngest). Maybe I shouldn't say that because I don't know a lot about Indigo children, but the little I've heard and read makes me wonder.

What I'm about to write about next has nothing to do with the paranormal but to me it's almost as unbelievable. I heard on the news yesterday that there had been a fire at a local hotel -- not too far from me actually. As they were showing video I saw a school bus stop in front of the hotel and pick up children. "Oh, no," I thought. "It couldn't be." But...indeed it was. Over 100 Katrina evacuees are living in that hotel -- three years after the fact. I don't know what to think about this -- or who to blame. Maybe I'll just try not to think about it and decide that everyone deserves a bit of blame. Oh....BTW....last I heard, they think the fire was caused by a meth lab set up in a bathroom.

Yes. My thoughts have been a bit scattered lately, but I think I may be getting control of them. This morning I found myself thinking about more mundane things, like a new cleaning routine. My thinking is that I'll clean a room a day -- instead of trying to do it all in a day. These thoughts may not be as interesting as where my mind's been,'ve got to fit them in somewhere.


Blogger Dr. Deb said...

I can believe just about anything. Why not, I always say.

4:07 AM


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