Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Thursday, February 12, 2009


not much going on around here. The weather is getting way too warm, way too quickly, and hurricane season is getting nearer and nearer. After the tree-in-the house thing last year -- let's just say I'm a bit gun shy. Don't want to go through that again. I did rejoin Netflix because J kept saying there were soooooo many movies he wanted to see. One of the reasons I put our membership on hold before Christmas was because he never watched anything, plus with Christmas coming, getting moved back into the restored rooms, and J being laid off -- I wasn't watching many movies either. remains to be seen if he'll start watching once again. If he doesn't, there are several movies I want to see, and since I'm stuck at home while most of my family is traveling around the country, I should have the time.

Is anyone else concerned about the economy? I mean really concerned? It's so difficult to know how much of what I hear and read is true or just hype. Personally, around our house it's more like Jimmy Carter days. That was when J had to start traveling for work -- becoming an independent contractor traveling from job to job. That wasn't easy or fun. Before all this financial crap hit, things had settled down for us somewhat. J had been able to work here at home for three straight years, we had insurance (good insurance). Now, he's traveling again but at least he can usually come home at night -- so far.

Oh. If you watch the state of the union address, you'll see our guv -- Bobby Jindal. He's giving the Repulican response. Big deal, I hear. Actually, he's traveling around the country giving many, many speeches. We've always heard the Republicans have big plans for him and it seem true. I like him. I voted for him twice -- not necessarily for his conservative views, but for his smarts. We need smarts around here and he's a 37 yo whiz kid. He's doing fine so far, and, believe me, it's not easy to do fine around these parts. I hope he does well. Maybe people will see that there is hope for us-uns living below the Mason Dixon after all....


Blogger Cheryl said...

Our country needs all the smart we can get!

The Wal-mart jelly beans are great, but the bag is way too big. I'm not saying too big to eat, just that I can't stop myself. I buy the medium box at Trader Joe's. I go back and forth to my purse during the day, eating jelly beans till they're gone. Then I'm sad.

I wish you a safe hurricane season. You deserve a no-damage year.

10:21 AM


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