Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Westward Ho - Again....

Tomorrow we head even farther west - to the Oregon coast. I'm anxious to see it - and my son. I am getting a wee bit tired of people telling me how impressed I'm going to be with the Oregon coast compared to my beautiful Gulf Coast, because (as we all know), Oregon has a real ocean. I have no doubt it's awe inspiring and I'm ready to be impressed. Bet the beach walkin' won't be as easy in Oregon as in Bama - I'm just sayin'....

House hunting is not going anywhere. Wait. I lie. I found the perfect place - only $3400 per month. For some reason, J doesn't think it's that perfect. :) I took a risk and got my hair cut and colored today. The color's fine, but oy vey! she cut most of my hair off! My head's going to freeze. It's a good thing they wear hats around this place - and that hair grows. So goes my life - in Oregon.

Merry Christmas to all and prayers for a peace filled New Year!


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