Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

"Laws are like sausages. It’s better not to see them being made.”

This was supposedly said by a nineteenth-century German statesman Otto von Bismarck (and I lifted it from that savvy website "The Dead Pelican" who passed it along from That quote was used to describe the end of the Louisiana Legislature’s 85-day regular session. ....Was it only yesterday they slithered out of town?

We try and watch what they are doing but....Sheesh! So, today, the good citizens of Louisiana are frantically attempting to uncover some of the dirty-deeds committed by our brightest & best. It's not that hard because of the stench that attaches itself to some of their acts.

E-mails and phone calls to our guv's office have kept me busy this morning -- Pu-leeeze! Don't sign 'this or that' bill. That's why when A called and asked if I was watching the USA/Ghana soccer game, I had to say no. (I had the game on, but the sound muted. it turned out, wasn't a bad idea.)

So, sine die, to the LA Legislature and the USA soccer team.


Blogger east village idiot said...

I'd almost given up on you! Welcome back to blog world - we missed you.

I know this is old news but you must have been steaming about those stories regarding FEMA and misallocation of funds.

Hope you make it up to the big apple in October. That is the perfect time to come.

3:29 PM

Blogger ellesu said...

Thanks for the welcome back! And as for FEMA...the agency sucks. Plain and simple.

Many of us here think the only resource able to handle a Katrina-sized disaster is the military. And think of where THAT could lead.

I'm holding on to my October plans and hoping.

1:50 PM


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