Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

So, son #1 called last night......

late last night -- he can be counted on to forget about the time difference between Oregon and Louisiana. It's late. I'm tired. But I'm so glad to hear from him. We start talking and within five minutes the conversation turns political. Politics is not a good topic of conversation for him. He is very passionate about his politics -- as well as about most everything else in his life.

But what startled me -- alarmed me really -- was that some of the things he was saying were so not like him. I could tell (or at least it sounded like) he was spouting someone else's rhetoric. There was so much anger. I didn't say much, mainly because he was on such a roll I didn't really have a chance to say much. I only managed to get in a couple of things like, "You don't believe that." "That's not you talking."

I'm worried about him. J. and I are planning a trip up there in the next couple of months. By the end of the conversation he apologized and said that he hoped I knew he was just frustrated, he needed to get it out, and there wasn't anyone else he could say those things to.

if blogger had sound effects I would have an alarm going off here

Was this a test? Should I have told him that I didn't want to hear ridiculous stuff like he was saying anymore that anyone else? He knew I didn't agree. He even admitted he didn't really feel the way he was talking. I've never heard some of the things he was saying -- the theories. Really far out. I wish I knew where it was coming from. Maybe, when he calls again, I can casually ask who he's hanging out with....

I didn't even think about looking at our phone conversation as a test until this morning -- hours after the call. It probably was, but....I think I'll go pour a glass of wine and think about it tomorrow.

This whole thing is getting a little complicated. Today while I was getting my hair cut, my stylist was so upset about politics that I was fearful for my ears. I'm not about to tell her to cram her feelings and just cut the hair! Not while she has scissors in her hands. Maybe I just don't get it, but I'm pretty excited about the choices we have. I don't know who I'm gonna vote for, but the choices are certainly different.


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