Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This comment......

caused me to spew the sip of coffee I was trying to swallow all over the computer keyboard:

"This could be a real opportunity to make up for the city's lack of culture with utter pretension."

Those words were uttered by a councilman referring to a proposition that every retail space in our downtown area (which is being brought up to snuff) be turned into a wine bar. Like....(as the article went on to state) you could walk into Kinkos for copies or....a nice glass of chardonnay. Are they serious?

One proposition made a couple of years ago did scare me tho. The one to add daiquiri bars in Wal*Marts. I could get into some serious trouble staggering through Wal*Mart under the influence. And then -- you're supposed to drive home? As special as it might sound on first thought, the thoughts that soon follow make you wonder what in the world these people are thinking.

So. Responsible citizen that I am, I can see problems that may arise with the above mentioned proposals. Let's leave well-enough alone. Aren't our drive through daiquiri bars enough?


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