Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Monday, June 23, 2008

100 things about me....

Let's see if I can do this....

1. I'm a sister.

2. I'm a wife.

3. I'm a mother.

4. I'm a teacher.

5. I live in a place so hot and humid it's not funny.

6. I plan to move sooner rather than later.

7. Even tho I love my house it doesn't *fit* me or my lifestyle.

8. I've worked so hard on my house that I'm falling back in love with it.

9. I love Southeastern Conference football. Actually I love two SEC teams -- Alabama and LSU.

10. I have every intention to not get so involved this football season.

11. I grew up with two brothers.

12. My youngest brother took his life and I still wonder if there was anything I could/should have done.

13. I don't keep in touch with my other brother as I should.

14. I have four children I love with every fiber of my being.

15. My husband and I are on ever-changing ground. We love each other but it's damn hard to live with each other.

16. I love to read.

17. I have thin, curly hair that I can't do a thing with.

18. My hair color has its own number and I get compliments on it.

19. I don't enjoy s-i-t-t-i-n-g while the color does its magic but I do it anyway,

20. I'm short.

21. I just started taking blood pressure medication and I don't like it because I've not had to take any medicines before so it's hard to get used to and I wonder if I really need it.

22. My mother died when I was young and I still miss her.

23. I have a deep faith that there's something out there that will give all this crap some meaning.

24. I haven't looked forward to Christmas for years.

25. I love bread.

26. I'm an avid Coast to Coast AM listener (and I probably shoud be embarrassed to admit it).

27. I get two newspapers every Sunday and sometimes it's the following Saturday before I read them. I can't throw them away before reading them tho.

28. This summer I've become hooked on Lifetime movies.

29. I enjoy Ghost Whispers and that baffels my kids.

30. People talk to me easily.

31. I can't find people who will listen to me.

32. I feel I should be doing more with my life.

33. I am left handed.

34. I look forward to alone time.

35. I absolutely must have my morning coffee.

36. I wish I could loose ten pounds.

37. I enjoy foreign movies.

38. I daydream a LOT.

39. I am stubborn.

40. I could live on diet Dr. Peppers.

41. I can't get a thing done when I'm not organized.

42. I believe I put too much energy into my teaching jobs while I was raising my children.

43. If I had it to do over I wouldn't work until my children were grown.

44. I love sunsets.

45. I love Alabama beaches.

46. I tried very, very hard to keep my children from being prejudiced against other races.

47. I can't seem to do anything gradually -- I want to get it done NOW.

48. The social give and take doesn't come naturally to me.

49. I would never get married again.

50. I thrive on a routine.

51. I find that many ideas our society might label *new age* have deepened my faith.

52. I'm a big believer in thinking about something *tomorrow* if the time doesn't seem right at the moment.

53. I should have more friends.

54. It's hard for me to delegate.

55. I have bad teeth -- the dentist agrees.

56. I have always been healthy and I'm grateful.

57. I don't like taking medicine -- even asprin.

58. I sip on one glass of wine or one drink for hours.

59. I snack lots.

60. I don't eat much meat.

61. I like my bread making machine but use it in spurts.

62. Clutter sucks the energy right out of me.

63. Pessimistic people suck the energy out of me.

64. I was one of the only people my husband's famiy knew who could get along with my mother-in-law.

65. I can easily be a bad enabler to my children.

66. I love M&Ms.

67. When I start eating peanuts I can't seem to stop until I make myself sick.

68. Ditto for watermelon.

69. I dropped out of sorority rush in my freshman year in college. Just couldn't do it.

70. I graduated from high school at sixteen.

71. I can't go to bed before midnight.

72. It's easy to push me around.

73. I cry when I get mad instead of keeping my wits and thinking of something to say or do.

74. I am RH negative.

75. I know almost nothing of my famiy tree.

76. I do almost all my shopping online (except for groceries).

77. I am an eternal optimist.

78. Hearing a trumpet transports me.

79. I can worry too much if I'm not careful.

80. I feel guilty about too many things I can't control.

81. For years I allowed my husband to dump his guilt on me.

82. I am getting better at recognizing the guilt thing.

83. I can't carry a tune for the life of me.

84. I like to have a plan and then work it.

85. I have dry skin.

86. I tan easily.

87. I don't have a favorite color because I like so many of them.

88. I'm easy to please in many ways.

89. I have a Southern accent. (Go figure!)

90. I paint my toenails.

91. I rarely dress up since I stopped working.

92. I keep a tv on during the day tuned to music -- either new age or oldies.

93. I've been told by several people that I'm not cautious enough.

94. I believe thoughts can change the world -- for good or bad.

95. I don't believe in the death penalty.

96. I listen to traffic reports on the radio most mornings even though it doesn't affect me.

97. I enjoy big breakfasts.

98. I'm a slow eater.

99. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt.

100. I can't decide whether or not I believe in reincarnation.


Blogger Dr. Deb said...

I loved reading all of these wonderful things about you. I always knew I connected with you and now I have proof why!

PS: So humid it's not funny, actually *was* funny. I lol!

9:20 AM


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