Pulling the trigger a little too quickly?
Gun shy?
Those questions are being asked, even as we go about our business of hunting and gathering hurricane supplies. I'm tellin' you, just try and find a generator, or batteries, or water, or canned goods, or bread, or crackers, or.... (you get the picture.) The store shelves began emptying Tuesday because Jindal and our mayor told us to prepare. And....because three year old memories are still fresh.
If you were to visit here, you'd think Gustav was arriving tomorrow. And, now there are two more disturbances to keep an eye on. I really, really, really don't like this time of year.
Today, Gustav's shifted a bit west -- but Louisiana's still dead center in the cone. That's one of the things that doesn't bode well for us -- we are staying in the center of the cone of probability no matter how Gustav's shifting. And today, if things stay the same, we'll (New Orleans & Baton Rouge) be on the dreaded noth-eastern quadrant. Not good. Not good at all.
I had my CCK HIDA scan this morning. Fun! (Not really.) It didn't hurt -- thank you, Bonnie for easing my mind on that. The only discomfort I had (other than the teeny sting when the IV needle went in) was when my legs started cramping. Laying (still) under a camera for an hour without a cup of coffee or a couple of Tylenol wasn't my favorite way to spend the morning, but, it's over now.
So goes life down my way. I hope everyone else is having a smoother week.
I hope the storm turns back out to sea. I can't imagine your worry. I'm hoping for safety for you and everyone in your part of the country. You've been through too much already.
3:57 PM
If you're ever any where near an IKEA you should go to it. It's truly an experience. And yes, the food is that inexpensive. The store policy is that they're not allowed to make a profit on their cafeteria. If they do, they lower prices!
5:25 AM
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