Seniors, seahorses, and sunsets....
You can find them all here. Yesterday we spent the day in Pensacola. J had some business to take care of over there, and since one of our favorite Chinese restaurants is also there, we decided we could kill two birds with the proverbial one stone and -- away we went. It was a good day. It only sprinkled rain -- it never fails to rain on us in Pensacola. We took care of the business in short order and had the rest of the day to wander through historic downtown Pensacola stopping to browse art galleries and a couple of museums. Then....on to pig out on some of the best Chinese food we've found.
It was a good day, and it melded into a good night -- an odd night, but a good night. Through a quirky set of events that I won't confuse you with, we ended up in Seville Square listening to live jazz. The music was pretty good, was the crowd that surprised us. It was a mixed age group crowd (college aged and up), but I'd say most of the crowd consisted of senior citizens, and they were a lively group. It didn't take long for some of the senior couples to take to the dance floor. Here's what was so very sweet: They were very careful going down the two steps to the dance floor but once on the dance floor they were something to behold. I'm telling you they had some moves! The couple in the picture below are an example. How the guy managed to barely move yet look so cool, I don't know. He showcased his partner perfectly. And let me tell you, she played the crowd.

It was like that with each couple. They put on a show, yet at the same time it was so touching to see how they smiled at each other as they locked eyes. It was their music and I couldn't help wondering what memories they shared as they looked at each other. It was a good feeling and a good night.
While walking the beach Sunday evening I found a seahorse. I've found sand dollars and even a starfish, but that was the first seahorse I've ever seen alive and up close. It was pretty much out of the water so I scooped it up and let the waves take it back to sea and safety -- hopefully that's what happened. I wonder if that's a good luck omen or something....
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