Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The roofers came today....

Yes they did. Bright and early. Last night I wondered (out loud) what time they would be here so I would be sure to be up and dressed. J said not to expect them before 8 a.m. I thought that sounded about right, but....since I don't trust repairmen any farther than I can throw them, I was up and dressed by 6:45 a.m. -- and thank the good lord I was because when the doorbell rang at 7:05 I was ready for them. Not going to fool me so easy. I've spent the last several years dealing with repairpersons and I know what to expect. And....what to expect is the unexpected. I could give plenty of examples, but....I won't.

So. I spent my day listening to thuds, hammering, walking, and god knows what the other sounds were. Oh, yeah. Those were the outside sounds. Inside I was treated to light fixtures rattling, ceilings creaking, and Cassie the cat making really odd sounds (when she came out of her hiding places). I couldn't even shush her because I felt like joining in.

I had high hopes they would finish up today. (They probably did, too.) But they'll be back tomorrow -- bright and early I'm sure. You know, I didn't even bathe today. I'd hoped to take a quick bath before eight (when I expected them to be here) but that didn't happen. Then....I thought I'd take a quick bath when they went to lunch but they didn't go to lunch. Maybe they went in shifts because I'm here to tell you there were people walking around thudding and hammering from 7:15 a.m. until they left around 8:30 p.m. So....I took a quick bath this evening. Isn't everyone glad to know that? :/ Maybe I could have snuck in a bath earlier today but I swear I think they could see into the bathroom through the vents going to the roof. Of course there's a vent over every bathtub. Stupid, I know. But that's the state of mind I'm in at present.

I had fully intended to spend the day away from the house (even if I did feel grundgy) but that didn't happen either. For some reason there seemed to be someone at the door every hour or so. I finally gave up and just sat here waiting for anyone who needed to ask me anything. Sigh!

Hopefully the roofers will be through tomorrow by lunch -- just in time for the Direct TV guy to come and finish the install. So much for an early bath tomorrow. It's little things like that that drive me crazy. I not complaining about the guys themselves. They are working so hard in this heat. They're just doing their jobs and thank goodness for it. It's just that all that's going on is a pain in the butt.

Last week, in the midst of getting the new washer and dryer and all the mess involved with that and then the new sewer line laid and all the mess involved with that, a 30% off coupon for the month of August arrived in the mail from the beach rental agency we use. I started to throw it away because one thing we don't need to be doing right now is spending money on anything we enjoy. Nope. We are being punished for something and don't have the money for fun. some point today I started plunking around on the computer and found a deal at the beach that's hard to turn down. I mean, come on now. 30% off is hard to beat -- isn't it? So, tomorrow, if the place is still open I think I'm going to rent it.


Blogger Dr. Deb said...

Hope the job keeps going well.

And yes, 30% off is a GREAT thing!

6:27 AM

Blogger ellesu said...

Hi Deb! So far things are moving along. Let's hope they keep going forward.... :)

9:47 AM


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