Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Monday, July 07, 2008

Pain transference....

That's what son #3's endodontist said was happening. In a nutshell here's what's going on: On Wednesday, June 24th, son #3 went to his dentist and had a tooth prepped for a crown -- the same tooth that had had a root canal done on it a week before. By Thursday afternoon the tooth was killing son #3 so he called and the dentist office told him to come in the next morning. The only problem was that the dentist he saw was one who was on call because son #3's dentist left for vacation that day -- along with her entire staff. And....the office was closed all the next week for the 4th and vacations.

The on-call dentist wanted the dentist who'd done the work to look at the tooth -- but she was on vacation. But....another dentist -- the endodontist -- had worked on the tooth also. The on-call dentist said that would have worked out except....the endodonist's office was closed -- and would be closed all the next week for the 4th and vacations. I guess the 4th of July is really big in Raleigh. The on-call dentist said something about root fracture -- which would mean the tooth has to go.

So....the on-call dentist loaded son #3 up on enough Vicoden and penicillin to last for a week until he could see the dentist. This morning son #3 went to the dentist office bright and early just as the on-call dentist had told him to do. Just as his little appointment card read. But....the dentist (his dentist) had no idea what had been going on. She looked at the tooth, listened to son #3, looked at the tooth again and sent him right over to the endodontist.

The endodontist looked at the tooth, listened to son #3, looked at the tooth again, did all sorts of tests and then did a root canal on the tooth in back of the one son #3 swore was hurting him. Son #3 called and told me the pain had stopped and all was well. For a few hours. By this afternoon the original tooth was hurting again. Another call to the endodontist resulted in a prescription for percodan and a lenghty discussion of what might be happening. I don't know if the pain transference thing-y is true or not.

So that's where we are today. It's a trying situation because son #3 has been putting up with this for over a week now. He also doesn't like taking medicines that could be addictive -- he's seen too many people struggling with their addictions. But at least he feels as if the dentist is listening to him and explaining everything in detail. I think they are trying to save the tooth. I hope they can but I gotta tell you, son #3 is ready to have the thing pulled. I know in the long run it will be better if he can keep it.

All in all it's been a pretty sh*tty day. I put a load of clothes in the washer this morning and when it finished I opened it to find the clothes still floating in soapy water. Nothing I can do will get it to drain. I guess I'll have to wring out the clothes -- piece by piece. So it's new washer and dryer time. We've been needing one for a while but now is not a good time for it. J spent way too much on that stupid house in AL and with son #3's dental bills adding up -- not to mention the dental work I'm going in for Wednesday, now is not a good time for anymore spending.

I told son #3 that on Christmas morning both of us would stand in front of a mirror, smile, and say "Merry Christmas."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the endodontist talk about "transferred" pain or "referred" pain? It's possible for a sore tooth to make other teeth or areas feel sore as well. That's called referred pain.

Glad your son is feeling better!

9:36 AM

Blogger ellesu said...

Hi periapex....thanks for stopping by. The endodontist could well have said "referred" instead of "transferred." My son was repeating the conversation to me and things do have a way to get lost in translation.

My son feels that his endodontist listens and then explains things in detail -- that in itself helps getting through the process.

....Also, it was an emergency appointment so there wasn't enough time to do a complete root canal (that will happend next week). The dentist said he wasn't surprised that my son had some pain -- just not the kind of pain being described.

But....things seem to be getting better instead of worse so that's a good thing.

BTW Your blog is very interesting (what I can understand of the technical aspects {smile}) The setting for your home is lovely!

7:46 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! We sure are enjoying this summer around our place.

Hope things are going well so far with you and your son and the root canal!

10:23 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi- I have been through both with daughter and pain and washer. Well, first things first. Our endontist told us that she probably had an infection in her gland and that this usually comes about because of an injection. Anyway, she was put on a strong antibiotic, clindomycin. Your washer might be an easier fix. Look to see when you lift the lid if the latch thing is missing that normally protrudes presses down a lever or pushes back a part that allows your washer to go through the cycles. You can easily make one; I did with a pen cap and hot glued it to the fitting. You have to try different things out to see what will make it move. This saved me about $100 or more. However, if it is still under warentee, make them fix it. Good luck and best wishes. :)

9:17 PM


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