Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I can't believe it's only Tuesday....

So far it's been one of those weeks where I've gotten so much done it makes me smile. I love it when this happens -- even though it rarely does. I'm exhaused but with good reason. Sunday I got all my floors vacuumed. That left Monday free to kick back and watch a couple of movies that have been waiting, except....I ended up grocery shopping and (the biggie of the day/week) changing out my fall/winter clothes to summer ones. Actually this didn't take that long because down here we don't have that many winter clothes, but it was still a minor pain in the butt. I also washed a few loads. I even did the online banking. And....I watered the outside plants last night -- which took forever. I even did Wii fit. I'm here to tell you it kicked my butt.

Then today I made a stew. Yes. It's in the mid-nineties and I cooked as if it were fall. That's what J wanted to eat so that's what I made. It tood a-l-l day for it to simmer. All that browning and chopping and simmering.... At least I'm set for dinners for three days or so. I picked up a deli chicken yesterday at the store and since J had a big lunch at work I ended up being the only one eating off it so it's here for fajitas later this week. Add that to warming up the stew and that should take me to the weekend. I washed my hair today and even made an appointment for next week to have it cut and colored. Exciting stuff, huh? Sigh!

Did I mention it's hot outside? Okay, I'll stop whining. (Don't count on it.) A year ago today I was living through my first day in NYC. Sigh! I'm working on a plan in the back of my mind for the rest of the summer and if things keep going the way they are it may work out.

I have something I need to do and I don't know why I'm so hesitant to do it. It's nothing unpleasant it's just something I'm hesitating to do. I've never been good at realizing the need to do certain things to keep relationships going. I think I get it from my dad. My mom was really into relationships -- and good at them. I'm not. I have no problems starting friendships. Keeping them going is my weakness. I don't know why that is. I don't do the maintenance stuff. Maybe it's selfishness? I look on this task as a lesson, an opportunity to change so mabe I'll follow through. I do want to.

I watched Juno last night. It was fine. There were a couple of touching scenes. I think I liked the music better than the movie on the whole. Last week I watched Antonia's Line (did I already mention this?). I liked it. This weekend we watched Death at a Funeral and laughed all the way through it. If you like British humor you'd like it -- at least that's what the reviews say.


Blogger Ellen said...

Man - if I could get things done the way you do I'd sitting pretty. Thanks for your film advice!

6:51 PM


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