Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lazy, rainy day....

There are storms that destroy, and then there are storms that bring cloudy skies, breezy weather, and somewhat cooler temps. Alex is bringing us the cloudy, breezy, somewhat cooler conditions, thankfully. It's a huge system - we started getting clouds, wind and rain Sunday, but it's been an on-again, off-again type thing. I think today and tomorrow will be the peak for us. Yep. Alex is a rain-maker for us. Let's hope it stays that way all of our fifth season.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Anyone inclined to pray, send up good thoughts-vibes-etc, today?

I copied and pasted this from Gov Jindal's site. Join in if you feel so inclined! AL, MS, and FL's Govs have done the same (in addition to TX's Gov mentioned at the end of the article. Have a super duper Sunday!

"Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Gov. Bobby Jindal has declared Sunday a day of prayer in Louisiana, for perseverance in coping with the environmental crisis caused by the oil spill in the Gulf.

Jindal issued the proclamation Wednesday, 66 days since the April 20 explosion of the Deepwater Horizon that killed 11 people and triggered the massive spill.

In his proclamation, the governor says "Louisianians all across the world are united in hope for an end to this catastrophic event and pray for the recovery of our coastline, the rehabilitation of our fish and wildlife and the restoration of our extraordinary coastal areas."

Texas Gov. Rick Perry also has declared Sunday a day of prayer in his state."

Saturday, June 26, 2010

We've decided: it's a "Math-thing"....

Several of us were sitting around one evening last week sharing some conversation and a couple bottles of wine (remember the wine as you read further - it might have something to do with our "decision"). As we chatted, it wasn't long before our words turned to the Gulf. Someone wondered out loud why this lastest event. Well, we know why - it was a colossal mistake, but we were wondering why these mistakes seem so much bigger down here in south Louisiana. We all agreed that when something happens here, the results seem magnified when compared to other places. Maybe it's just because we live here, at (or close to) the epicenter of the event(s). Maybe it's because living here is such a chore - there are places that it's just damn hard to live in, and here is one of them. Over the last weeks we've heard many people in New Orleans say they're reminded how tenuous life is in that city - it makes them love it all the more (and...makes them more determined). Maybe it's because the Gulf wants to reclaim (or claim) some land we lay claim to - okay, I admit that one's far fetched (it was suggested after one too many glasses, I guess).

Whatever the reason, we all agreed that it's a hell of a thing that's happening and it just doesn't make sense - yet. It's like, how freakin' long is it going to last before it's over! You can't decide how to act while something's still unfolding, all you can do is manage and maintain. You don't know what's going to be reqired of you until something has happened, is over, and you know what you're finally facing. We're feeling this way and we're somewhat removed from the effects. God only knows how the people living on the coast and those losing jobs are handling their emotions. Why one thing after another - then another?

In the end, because we felt as if we should, we came up with some sort of theory and decided it must be a math thing. I don't remember exactly how we arrived at that conclusion (probably because I've never been very good at math), but it made sense at the time. It had something to do with magnitudes, probabilities, outcomes, quadrants, rates, ratios, and all sorts of legitimate-sounding math terms. In the end, we decided that crap happens everywhere, it just seems worse when you're where it's happening. I don't know why we went through the math exercise because that's pretty much what we were thinking to begin with.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One of those days....

Just one of those regular days around here. The FedX guy just delivered the fans I bought from - my belief can never have too many fans. These are cute little things - a good size for the computer desk or bedside. I got four. Yes, four. I will send at least two to NC - possibly three. The UPS guy wasn't far behind, delivering J's late Father's Day gift from our NC kids - it was a houndstooth BAMA cap. Very nice! The FedX guy came to the side door and the UPS guy went to the front door. I wonder if they waved to each other as they passed. It used to embarrass me when they arrived at the same time (don't know why!), but I'm over it now. All the years of traveling taught me how to shop first by phone and now online. I should see the UPS guy again Friday with my K-cups from Amazon, and if I can catch him, I'll see how his trip to Napa went (I learned of his planned Napa trip when he delivered some wine I'd ordered). I didn't get to ask the FedX guy if his brother-in-law sold the Fiat he's been working so hard on. ....These guy are becoming like family.

Well, time to get back to being productive - and try not to think about what's happening now that BP had to remove the cap from the well. I hope they get it back on soon. And then there's that tropical wave in the Caribbean - I don't want to think about that either. Let's just hope it stays there - and doesn't turn into a depression. I did just hear that eBay will pull the Jimmy Buffett tickets - the free tickets people got for the Gulf Shores, AL benefit concert to promote Gulf Coast tourism. There's that. And with that bit of non-note-worthy news, I'm off....

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lost in translation?

Hello from down here on the Gulf Coast. Let me rephrase that, Hello from one of the little people down here on the Gulf Coast. Little people as defined by the Swedish head of a British based oil company doing business in the U.S. That's a lot of cultures to combine and mishaps just waiting to happen - and happen they have. We may speak the same language (sort of) as the Brits but in the end it sure as hell doesn't mean the same thing at times. These people have the money, so why in the world don't they hire someone who can vet statements before they're made and hopefully prevent comments like some we've heard? They are adding insult to injury. Since my anger management is nearing its limit, I'll chalk this comment up to stupidity instead of being intentional.

BP - spewing oil and bull sh*t.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Not exactly the reaction I was going for....

I was excited to tear into my new batch of imps from Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab - a neat family run business in California, with super customer service. Imps are what they call their scent testers - so cute! You could spend hours on their site reading about their scent blends, believe me when I tell you that! My new order had come in a few days before but I'd been waiting to open the package until I could savor the experience. ....It's been a hell of a few weeks, so I take my joy where I can find it. Saturday was the day I decided I needed to find some joy, so I put everything else on hold and settled down with the package of goodies.

I spent a good while sniffing and checking BPAL's site to educate my nose to just what individual scents it was sniffin'. I'm getting better at recognizing
smells. After I had sniffed four or so imps my nose got overloaded and I knew it was time to stop sniffing and just chose one to wear - the scents take on a different smell once they are applied....they morph (or whatever). It's actually lovely to smell how one ingredient comes to the front only to be replaced by another. So. I apply what I think is a nice lemony smell and start walking through the house - only to hear J. yell out, "What's that smell? Did you open an air freshener?"

"Nope," I say - heading for the door to go air myself out.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A weekend puplic service announcement (of sorts)....

See the shirt ^^^^ up there? (I hope it shows up.) My daughter sent it to me. It was so funny because I was going to send a couple to her and son #3 in NC, but she beat me to it. Copied from Fleurty Girl's web site: "This shirt is on 100% combed organic cotton and printed using soy oil-based inks. No petroleum products were used for the printing of this shirt." also "We have teamed up with Audubon Institute's LMMSTRP to do a limited-edition shirt with 100% of the net proceeds going straight to LMMSTRP." (LMMSTRP would be Louisiana Marine Mammal & Sea Turtle Rescue Program)

With that in mind, anyone who's environmentaly inclined and has $20 (+ $4.95 shipping) to spend - go to:

Fleurty Girl

and you can get one, too! And if you go to Fleurty Girl's web site, be sure to click on the "Home" option. You'll get a few giggles and a taste of New Orleans and south La humor. Good stuff.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

To the nice lady who followed me around Walmart yesterday....

you know who you are: the one who was wandering the aisles - looking as lost as me. The one who...happened to hear the snarly comment I made about being in Walmart instead of Target because (well....because of a number of factors we won't go into here); when you heard that comment you sort of latched onto me. You remember - we became basket-pushin' buddies for about 15 minutes (even tho it seemed like an eternity) while you pointed out your Walmart-finds? You remember. You mentioned if we had been in Target we could have had a cup of coffee while shopping - or after shopping on our way to the car. (The fact that that reminder brought a tear to my eye didn't even phase you. It was then and there that I decided you probably weren't dangerous.) I have this to say to you: Yes, the cantaloupe you insisted I buy was (ummmm....I cannot tell a lie) it was okay. Maybe not as good as you said when you found me (once again) in the produce section to show it to me and insist I buy it, and..even seemed to wait the at the store exit to ask if I had the melon. Did you think I'd put it back on the display once you left? Got cha! I figured that - that's why the huge cantaloupe was carved this morning and why cantaloupe will be part of most every menu for quite a few days. Oh! before I forget - thank you for your intended kindness.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

It's true what they say:

You don't know what you've got until you loose it. I've been constantly reminded of that these past few days since we've been having problems with our air conditioner! (a thought that strikes terror into the hearts and minds of all who live anywhere near these swamps in the summer) Yep. We survived the first onslaught of real heat a few weeks ago, but our luck ran out last week when we noticed/heard water dripping from the inside unit. Of course it was raining cats and dogs outside when we called the repairman - no way was he going out into the deluge and work with electrical stuff, but he was nice enough to insist on stopping by and taking a look at the whatever it is that's inside the house....for free! A chill ran through my heart when he couldn't find anything wrong. I knew we were in for a diagnostic ride - can't fix what you don't know is broken. So, we're staying cool most of the time - waiting for whatever is going to happen to happen. Drives me crazy. Meanwhile, I have so many fans blowing that J says it's like a tornado inside the house. At least air is moving - maybe not the coolest air at times, but....