Don't know why I haven't posted since last Monday. Again, I've no excuses -- just lazy, I guess. Oh....let's blame it on the heat.
Now to catch up. 'A' started her new job today. I haven't talked to her, but I trust eveything went well. She's determined to make this one work. She told me she would be busy this week because they are running a trial. ....I sort of know what that's about, it's when they are testing a product that's only been a theory before. At least I 'think' that's what it is. I DO know that a trial often keeps them late and when they do go home, it's not unusual to get phone calls at all hours about things going wrong.
Next week she's set up to be out of state. Same for the week after that. In fact, until they get her building built, she has a feeling that she'll be out of state more than she'll be in state. At least she knows it'll only be temporary. They told her they want to move her into an engineering position asap. Even though it'll be more $$, she's thinkin' that being in a clean 'air-conditioned' lab, versus a hot, dirty plant has it's benefits. ....Especially during summer in the deep south.
Well, today was prETTy good for a Monday. I had some alone time Saturday and used it to get some of my vacuuming done. With two of my sons here all last week, this house was in a state! And....with J and son #3 getting back into war gaming (which means miniature figures allllll over the computer room while being painted) it was NOT a pretty sight (or, I guess you could say 'site' also??). Anywho....I had time, and energy, to do some things that I'm usually too tired to do after my usual Monday cleanin'. Wow! HOW boring is THIS?!?! That's my life at the moment. :/
WWs is going pretty good actually. I'm not losing like I would like to, but then again, the food I'm able to eat is not bad, so I'm really not suffering. J stays on the diet with me when he's here on weekends, so far.
Speaking of J....after all, that's why I started this blog. ;) No one would go to AL with him last weekend. I was so hoping the boys would go so I wouldn't have to. But..nada. So....he wants to go this weekend. Will he go by himself" Hell no. He has to have someone go with him, even if they just sit there with nothing to do. Even after all these years, I just don't get it. It would drive me crazy having someone just sitting there watching and waiting while I worked.
NOW he's saying we should sell the AL house and buy one, temporarily, in TX for as long as his job lasts. No real problem here (except he knows how I feel about TX), but, again, as I see it, it's just more talk. I mean, this situation's been going on for almost five years. You can only mild a cow so much before it runs dry. ....I have NO idea what that means, seeing as how I've never milked a cow. Nor do I ever intend to.
So, in the best of all possible worlds, he'd go to AL this weekend, do his work, all the while appreciating the work A, J, and I did a couple of years ago when that damn house was nothing but a mold bin. Is that gonna happen? Not a snowball's chance in hell.
Switching lanes, before I forget, my VB purse came in this weekend and I love it. It's red and smaller than the black one I have that's just like it -- only bigger. My Channel #5 is in and I'm smellin' preEETTy good these days. And, the Halloween Cat's Meow I ordered for A for (maybe) Christmas came today. They are as cute as they looked online. ....I've gotta stay off ebay....