Does anyone want an aging, but sweet, overweight, spoiled black cat? I'll pack her up and ship her to you. She's driving me crazy. I am not a cat person. Never was. This cat is my daughter's -- the daughter who moved to North Carolina and now has four new cats. Why doesn't my daughter have this cat, you ask? I dunno. I ask myself the same thing -- often.
This cat -- let's call her Cassie, this cat goes from window to window, door to door howling to go outside. I let her out. She eats grass. Wants back in. I let her in. She throws up. What the heck! Today J got tired of her following him around meowing so he opened the door, let her dart out, told me not to let her back in because she was out for good! Then he left for his wargamming club.
A couple of hours later I started hearing these meows outside. I closed my ears. I opened the blinds on the French doors in the bedroom while I changed the sheets. There was Cassie -- looking in, meowing. I ignored her. I went in another bedroom and....there was Cassie, meowing at the window. I ignored her. I went in the bathroom. From under the window I hear that damn cat meowing and jumping, trying to get to the bathroom window. I ingored her. (But by this time I was getting really pissed off.) Finally, I sat down in the new room to read the paper and, you guessed it, there she was, going from window to window. I ignored her. Until she started clawing the screens to get inside. The brand new screens.
She won. She's back inside -- howling to go back outside. Again I ask. Anyone want a old, obnoxious, (but sweet), fat black cat? One of us has got to go and it doesn't look like it's going to be her.