Little did I know when I started this blog that the title would expand, requiring me to ask this question of so many new situations in my life....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Drama (again) where there need be none....

So, we're getting replacement windows for the windows Gustav didn't destroy (those have been nicely replaced). :) Seven windows in all need replacing. Only seven. Shouldn't be a big undertaking, huh? Au contraire. When hubby decides to spend money....let me rephrase that....if hubby decides to spend money he agonizes over e-v-e-r-y last cent. Not a bad thing, you say? Under ordinary circumstances, it wouldn't be, but....let me tell ya. Not much with J is ever under ordinary circumstances. That's why we spent over five hours last weekend talking to replacement window salesmen. I figure for an ordinary person, the task would have required no more than 2 or 2 1/2 hours, max.

First. Friday evening a cutie pie of Lebanese descent, the first salesman came knocking. Close to two hours later, he left. He (and J) talked so much that sales dude rushed through his spiel at the end because he wanted to get home and rewarm his lasagna. I thought two hours was way too long but consoled myself with the fact that the worst must be over. The sales dude scheduled for the next morning couldn't be that bad. Couldn't be. HA!

Saturday dawns. Eleven o'clock rolls around. Knock! Knock! at the door. And....over three hours later, he leaves. Sheesh! For whatever reason, by the time the last guy left I felt as if I'd been through the wringer. I went straight to the hard stuff and had a good stiff (for me) drink. Didn't even think about the wine. A good catfish dinner lifted my spirits temporarily, but it's been almost a week and I'm still not over last weekend.

I think part of my reaction was because I was reminded of last year's rebuilding on the house. And, the last guy is a Katrina survivor -- at least he's trying to keep on surviving. He and his wife lived in St. Bernard parish and they lost everything. He started talking and just didn't/couldn't stop. From time to time he'd say how he knew he was going on and on, but that it was nice having someone to talk to. His wife is just out of the hospital (for the second time) and still pretty much sedated. He says she tells him that he's her rock. He's trying but he's having a rough time of it. If you ever feel down and out, give me a holler. I'll start tossing out details from this guy's life and I bet you a diet Dr. Pepper you'll soon be feeling better. I think that was a big part of what did me in. There is so little you can do.

But. We still don't have anyone set to replace these windows and the heat's building day by day. I may just pack up and mosey on out of here for a while -- maybe until hurricane season's over. Any suggestions?


Blogger Cheryl said...

I'm guilty of a little over-researching, but nothing like this. Did you hang around for both appointments. Poor guy, the second one. Has you husband made a decision?

Your memory is good. I finally looked up Baker's Cyst. Fluid behind the knee. My knee looks fine but hurts behind and up the inside of my thigh. Time to call the ortho doc and see about an MRI. I'm too active to settle for this. Between my shoulder and this, my activities are limited for the first time in my life. No fun.

4:50 PM

Blogger Dr. Deb said...

I wish I had a magic wand for you....

9:19 AM


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