Let's see if I can do this....
1. I'm a sister.
2. I'm a wife.
3. I'm a mother.
4. I'm a teacher.
5. I live in a place so hot and humid it's not funny.
6. I plan to move sooner rather than later.
7. Even tho I love my house it doesn't *fit* me or my lifestyle.
8. I've worked so hard on my house that I'm falling back in love with it.
9. I love Southeastern Conference football. Actually I love two SEC teams -- Alabama and LSU.
10. I have every intention to not get so involved this football season.
11. I grew up with two brothers.
12. My youngest brother took his life and I still wonder if there was anything I could/should have done.
13. I don't keep in touch with my other brother as I should.
14. I have four children I love with every fiber of my being.
15. My husband and I are on ever-changing ground. We love each other but it's damn hard to live with each other.
16. I love to read.
17. I have thin, curly hair that I can't do a thing with.
18. My hair color has its own number and I get compliments on it.
19. I don't enjoy s-i-t-t-i-n-g while the color does its magic but I do it anyway,
20. I'm short.
21. I just started taking blood pressure medication and I don't like it because I've not had to take any medicines before so it's hard to get used to and I wonder if I really need it.
22. My mother died when I was young and I still miss her.
23. I have a deep faith that there's something out there that will give all this crap some meaning.
24. I haven't looked forward to Christmas for years.
25. I love bread.
26. I'm an avid Coast to Coast AM listener (and I probably shoud be embarrassed to admit it).
27. I get two newspapers every Sunday and sometimes it's the following Saturday before I read them. I can't throw them away before reading them tho.
28. This summer I've become hooked on Lifetime movies.
29. I enjoy Ghost Whispers and that baffels my kids.
30. People talk to me easily.
31. I can't find people who will listen to me.
32. I feel I should be doing more with my life.
33. I am left handed.
34. I look forward to alone time.
35. I absolutely must have my morning coffee.
36. I wish I could loose ten pounds.
37. I enjoy foreign movies.
38. I daydream a LOT.
39. I am stubborn.
40. I could live on diet Dr. Peppers.
41. I can't get a thing done when I'm not organized.
42. I believe I put too much energy into my teaching jobs while I was raising my children.
43. If I had it to do over I wouldn't work until my children were grown.
44. I love sunsets.
45. I love Alabama beaches.
46. I tried very, very hard to keep my children from being prejudiced against other races.
47. I can't seem to do anything gradually -- I want to get it done NOW.
48. The social give and take doesn't come naturally to me.
49. I would never get married again.
50. I thrive on a routine.
51. I find that many ideas our society might label *new age* have deepened my faith.
52. I'm a big believer in thinking about something *tomorrow* if the time doesn't seem right at the moment.
53. I should have more friends.
54. It's hard for me to delegate.
55. I have bad teeth -- the dentist agrees.
56. I have always been healthy and I'm grateful.
57. I don't like taking medicine -- even asprin.
58. I sip on one glass of wine or one drink for hours.
59. I snack lots.
60. I don't eat much meat.
61. I like my bread making machine but use it in spurts.
62. Clutter sucks the energy right out of me.
63. Pessimistic people suck the energy out of me.
64. I was one of the only people my husband's famiy knew who could get along with my mother-in-law.
65. I can easily be a bad enabler to my children.
66. I love M&Ms.
67. When I start eating peanuts I can't seem to stop until I make myself sick.
68. Ditto for watermelon.
69. I dropped out of sorority rush in my freshman year in college. Just couldn't do it.
70. I graduated from high school at sixteen.
71. I can't go to bed before midnight.
72. It's easy to push me around.
73. I cry when I get mad instead of keeping my wits and thinking of something to say or do.
74. I am RH negative.
75. I know almost nothing of my famiy tree.
76. I do almost all my shopping online (except for groceries).
77. I am an eternal optimist.
78. Hearing a trumpet transports me.
79. I can worry too much if I'm not careful.
80. I feel guilty about too many things I can't control.
81. For years I allowed my husband to dump his guilt on me.
82. I am getting better at recognizing the guilt thing.
83. I can't carry a tune for the life of me.
84. I like to have a plan and then work it.
85. I have dry skin.
86. I tan easily.
87. I don't have a favorite color because I like so many of them.
88. I'm easy to please in many ways.
89. I have a Southern accent. (Go figure!)
90. I paint my toenails.
91. I rarely dress up since I stopped working.
92. I keep a tv on during the day tuned to music -- either new age or oldies.
93. I've been told by several people that I'm not cautious enough.
94. I believe thoughts can change the world -- for good or bad.
95. I don't believe in the death penalty.
96. I listen to traffic reports on the radio most mornings even though it doesn't affect me.
97. I enjoy big breakfasts.
98. I'm a slow eater.
99. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt.
100. I can't decide whether or not I believe in reincarnation.